What is EFT Tapping?


Non-Invasive, Safe and Relaxing Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a non-invasive, safe, gentle, and simple technique that can help you to feel more calm and relaxed. It is easy to learn and can support you to feel more grounded and secure, and experience a happier and more fulfilled life.


Tap with your Fingers

It involves lightly tapping with your fingers on a specific pattern of meridian acupuncture points around your face and body, whilst thinking about the situations, thoughts and experiences that are causing you to feel negative emotions.

Profound Stress Management Tool

EFT Tapping has been described as the ultimate and most profound stress management tool by Dr Peta Stapleton (Clinical and Health Psychologist and World Leader in research trials for EFT Tapping).


Clear Negative Feelings

The ever-growing body of research has now shown how EFT can help to clear negative feelings and leave you feeling calm, relaxed, and clearer headed.

Psychological Version of Acupuncture

It is known as the psychological version of acupuncture, but without the use of needles.


Mind-Body Improvements

EFT Tapping helps us to feel not only emotionally better (by helping to remove pain and clear trauma from our past) but also physiologically better in our bodies (by rapidly reducing the physiological stress response and increasing the release of healing hormones).